Friday, August 25, 2006

Wedding Dress Storage

* Don't leave your dress in the plastic from the dry cleaners – over time plastic can give off chemicals which discolour fabrics

* Remove the safety pins – over time they can oxidise and mark the dress with rust marks

* If you are having your dress boxed, make sure it is being packed in acid free tissue paper. This helps prevent yellowing of the dress (remember that even with proper care it may be impossible to prevent all yellowing over time).

* Check the dress periodically while in storage, in case the dress is deteriorating through inappropriate storage. It's good to refold the dress to prevent permanent creases.

* Don't use plastic storage boxes – while these are great for seasonal storage, they are not suited to long term storage. If any moisture develops inside the box the fabric can develop mildew

* It is important that the textile can breath – if so the humidity around the dress remains constant and the likelihood mould/mildew is reduced

* Ideally the dress should NOT be stored in an area which is prone to high humidity (like your attic) or damp (like your basement), fluctuating temperatures increase the risk of deterioration. Often a wardrobe or under the bed is the best place.

* If the dress is not boxed make sure it is stored away from sunlight and artificial light, in the long term they can cause degradation and fading of the fabric
Wedding Dress Cleaning

London Dry Cleaners


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